Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Evening

In celebration of the cool weather we're having, I've put on socks and a sweatshirt and turned on the oven. I made some vegetarian staples:

Lentil stew with fresh green beans, red peppers, tomatoes, and pearl onions...

...and chocolate/white chocolate chip cookies. (Aren't those a staple for everyone?)

Now, to eat warm things and read about feminist literary theory. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

It Must Be Getting Colder Outside...

...for I've got on my hand-knit socks! ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Status Update

Monday at Midnight:

Four page theater response paper? Done. 15 source annotated bibliography? Done. Outline for in-class paper on Hegel? Done (sort of). Bed? Nope, there's still some reading to be done. But, oh, a weekend with family was so worth still being up! :)

And it's always nice to be at home, even if the dog, maybe, has fleas and the sink, kind of, has dishes in it, and the trash, perhaps, needs to be taken out, and, supposedly, there's laundry to be done.

I say busyness sure beats boredom.