Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is what it does to you:

But I'm so glad to have my Roxie here with me. So far things seem pretty good with her.

I've got big plans for my apartment, but for now this is my living room.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

(Alternate title: "No Hair Today, Goon Here Tomorrow")

I'm in my wonderful apartment tonight, looking out at the woods through my big patio window. It's so peaceful and beautiful here. This is the nicest apartment I've ever lived in. I love everything about it, even my big corduroy couch (I complain about it, but I all know it's the best non-bed sleeping spot this side of the Red River). There's potential here--potential to decorate, to expand. The TV sitting on the floor says to me "It's only up from here, Baby."

I'm so excited to be in a place with potential. A place physically, occupationally, culturally, and even (gasp) intellectually (let's not talk about this too much yet, I might begin to feel faint...returning to school is still a long way in the future).

Well, having expressed the wonderfulness of my situation, I have a little tiny complaint. The "no hair"? That's because there's no dog here yet. My dear dear Roxie is waiting to move in until this weekend, and I miss her lots. I need her beside me, my best friend. But I'll get my "goon" tomorrow, and then I'll have fresh frustrations to vent... the pillows are trembling, awaiting her return (she likes to shred them).

And here's a little thank-you prayer for all of this.
(I have a hard time with public expressions of this sort, but I wanted to say that I am oh-so-grateful for my new situation, and I want to say that yes, I am blessed. And yes, I do thank God for my life today...what a wonderful gift I've been given, a gift of security...)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Life, New Blog

I've had my ol' knitting blog for two years now, and I have come to an end there for two reasons:

1) I am a lazy lazy knitter. I am appauled at fine gauge knits. I can do socks, oh yes, but an entire tunic on size 4s? There is a category in my knitter's journey entitled "Not in This Lifetime." Don't get me wrong. I appreciate, I value this kind of knitting. A whole garment knit on teeny weeny 0s drapes so beautifully and feels so wonderful, but me? I am a lazy, distracted woman, and I can go so far as to knit socks on any size, but a tunic, no. I think I might invest in a bunch of bulky, washable yarn and knit interesting dish cloths for everyone. (OK, maybe not this far, but...) So an entire blog about knitting doesn't work for me. I don't knit enough variety or detail. And sometimes, like lately, I don't knit enough.

2)I am starting over. My life has just been blessed to overflowing lately, and I am running with it -- starting everything anew. I have a new city, a new job, a new cell phone number; why not have a new blog? A fresh place to record these new adventures in my life!

So please: come one, come all, to my new life. It's well, ahem, "shantastic"!