Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clapotis Continued

I knit tonight as long as I could. That is, I knit until my wrists were actually making a popping sound.

And I am almost finished with the "straight row" section. I figure this makes my clapotis about 60% done:



Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Engineer's Guide to Cats


Monday, August 25, 2008

On dieting...

It's hard.

Before weigh-in today I ate three brownies. THREE.

I don't know why. They tasted good, I guess.

We had two funeral lunches at the church today. Thank God I don't eat fried chicken, or my binge would have been a lot worse. As it is, in addition to my healthy lentil bean lunch I had "bites" of corn casserole, green bean casserole, and a sourdough roll. It was oh so good.

Last night I walked three miles with Roxie. Today, I slept.

I must stop being such a lazy bum. I do want to lose more than these fifteen pounds. But food is so -- good.

If only it were easier to survive without food. :-)


Sunday, August 24, 2008

On a Political Note

I am a democrat. In Texas. (There are a few of us here, despite what you've heard.)

So, on two social networking sites, I put up this as my profile picture:

The reason I did this is simple: I am proud of America, for once, that we have this candidate. I do believe that maybe, in a tiny way, we again have "reason to hope." I did not write anything about my political views on these sites. I did not write anything about this candidate on anybody else's profile. I simply put up the picture, which isn't even that overt.

Here are some comments that I got:
"More like...NObama!"
"Nader! He stands for all the things that people THINK Obama stands for!"
"I threw up a little bit when i saw your shirt said Obama on it. I never would have thought a church secretary would support the antichrist."

Wow. These are people I actually know, but haven't talked to in a few years. It surprises me that seeing my picture inspired them to make contact, and that these are the comments that they chose to leave.

So much for hope.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lovely Weekend

Three of my "dears" together.


Friday, August 22, 2008


The surprise is here! (See the little blog post below -- so true!) My beautiful background and header were created by my friend Abby (her blog is here).

And look below, now I have a signature.


I'm so fancy now, I can't hardly stand myself. :-)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Abby is Awesome!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No Knitting This Week


But that is why I have this blog, because it is not only about knitting. :-)

This week, I have been cleaning. My living room, dining room, and kitchen are finally free of all traces of moving in (which is kind of a joke, because my "dining room" is maybe 6 by 3 feet). And I am not going to accept any criticism about how long in took me to move in. Some of us are slower than others. This doesn't mean a thing.

Last weekend, I had a visit from lovely Carlyn. A "sleep-over" if you will. We had fun enjoying tax-free weekend and did our part to help the economy (read: we shopped until we dropped). I bought pants a size smaller than I usually do, and tops from stores I used to have to ignore, and a bra with a band that measured 4" less than any I've bought in several years. I went into Lane Bryant and had to leave, because everything was too big. I am not trying to brag. I am celebrating!!! I had a rough week this week weighing in, so it's nice to still see that I am thinner.

But, aside from shopping, I loved seeing Carlyn again. Once, she was a great roommate. Roxie loves her. And I can't wait until she is actually living up here again.

So why all the cleaning AFTER Carlyn's left?

Because my stream of visitors is ever-flowing! This weekend, I expect two of my favorites. I can't wait until they get here. And one is a repeat into my new apartment. My stepmother warned me that it's okay the first time people come through and your pictures aren't hung, but by the second time they'd better be up. I think this is good advice. So I'm working on it.

But there's still a bedroom and a bathroom, so... er... I'll post more later. :-)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Triple Update

1. I've lost 15.4 pounds today! (Take a little break and do a crazy dance with me.) Yay!!!

2. The clapotis continues at an astounding pace:

3. As does the stripey sock:

And I'm back in my little apartment for the second night. You know what? There's nothing like your own stuff, even if it's a bit messy and there's a little more to unpack. There's nothing like cuddling with the dog in your own bed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

If You See Me And My Fly is Down

If I am out in public, and you see me, and my zipper is down, please tell me; please don't let me go through an hour in the store, chatting happily with everyone, laughing loudly and causing a ruckus, and then get to my car, sit down, and notice -- please tell me instead.

I promise I won't be mad.

(Just something to bear in mind.)

In Which I Begin a Clapotis

I went, innocently enough, into the Wooly Ewe Friday. And it was innocently enough, I don't care what anybody says. But I was looking around, and not getting overwhelmed, and feeling fiber, and chatting with the wonderful ladies that work there, and I found this:

No, not Roxie. The yarn. This is Araucania "Ulmo Multy" Color 710. There were only 4 skeins, two were the lighter color there, and two the darker. So I bought them, had them wound into balls, and headed to my parent's house, where I am staying this week while they get to go to fabulous North Carolina. (I am not upset by this at all, even if I am stuck here in hot Texas while they go somewhere fabulous and cooler. Have I mentioned yet that every day last week was over 100 degrees? EVERY DAY.) This makes my commute an hour and a half one way again. There is a serious lack of public transportation here, which would make the commute bearable, because I could knit on this:

This is my Clapotis. I have wanted to knit this pattern for years, but haven't yet been inspired by a yarn that I could afford. The Araucania Ulmo inspired me. It's cotton, and soft. And I read the instructions on the tag before I got two far: "As there are no dye lots, we recommend buying enough yarn at one time to complete each individual project. Knit with two hanks in assorted rows (2-4). This will assure an overall blended effect." I am, and it is. I am oh-so-pleased.

I have been discussing these project with everyone, and everyone has been giving me the same appreciative sighs I give my brother when he discusses draft picks... but that's allright. I'm pleased with this project so far, with every bit of it. The pattern is simple, but with enough change to keep me interested, and the yarn is all of my favorite colors, so I am thrilled. I knit all day yesterday. My wrists didn't even hurt so bad with the bigger needles.
